Flexible Automation System PVT LTD.



  • Alleviate alarm fatigue by utilizing the built-in MP3 voice annunciator feature. This feature allows you to load custom voice recordings to allow the NHL to tell your operators exactly what is happening on your network.
  • Ping up to 24 devices and notify operators of ping failures in real-time with unambiguous visual and audible alerts.
  • The green LED unit can be configured to indicate the connection status between the NHL and your network.
  • Standard configuration consists of a light tower with three LED segments and a programmable audible alarm with volume settings. Add up to 5 LED units for highly effective visual signaling.
  • Alarms can trigger emails to be sent to up to 8 addresses per event so you will never miss a network signal.
  • The NHL supports SNMP, HTTP, PNS (Developed by PATLITE), Socket Transmission command protocols. Alarms can send SNMP traps to network management systems.